Monday, February 10, 2014

For Your Consideration... Inglorious Basterds

Yes, you have come to the right place, and this is a foreign film blog (for those of you in the United States). So why am I discussing Inglorious Basterds, you might ask?

I’ve told a lot of people about this blog I am doing… they said that it sounds cool and all, but they aren’t crazy about movies with subtitles. So then I asked if they liked Inglorious Basterds, and I got a lot of, “Oh yeah, that movie is great!” So the funny thing about that movie is that Tarantino successfully snuck in a ton of subtitles, but you barely noticed. You were super interested in the story and it made sense for them to not use English the entire time, so you made it all the way through this 153-minute (or 2 hours and 33 minutes) movie.

This scene is in German.
Did you notice when you were watching it?
Television and movies have their similarities, but there is also usually one large difference. Whereas many TV shows are dialogue heavy (like sitcoms, for instance), movies are usually more about the visuals, meaning someone will throw a plate at the wall when they are mad versus yelling, “I am mad as hell!” (unless you’re watching the movie, Network). Because of this, that means there is already that much less “reading” when watching a foreign film. 

You’ve read a few posts here and there, and you’ve thought the movie sounds interesting. Well, now that I just told you that Inglorious Basterds was subtitle-heavy and you barely realized it, give a few of them a chance… you might be surprised what amazing stories are out there that you’re missing out on.

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